I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but somebody has to
omväxlande mördande trist, kicklande intensivt
"It's in their hands. Our message is clear. They're seeing our determination."
hello darkness my old friend
after the storm
And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see what you find there
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
eight little asian hookers went to one little littleland
Two little blond girls made a bond
Of eachother they grew very fond
In our ears they just made a lot of noice
But together they made a thrilling choice
"Hey! Let's switch our clothes!"
Beautiful together they sure are
And hopefully they'll go very far
One little girl
One little boy
Together with five very big toes
We measured and measured
And his toe against a finger we preasured
Though all the competition the giant toe crushed
The finger in the toilet he flushed
As he said "Yeah feel that you tiny hoes"
Oh to giant toes!
One little music nazi
One little girl who looks mighty sassy
Together they're so trashy
Not very flashy
When the nazi my music switches
As he angry cries "you fuckin' witches, stop it bitches!'"
So a cigarett the duck family smokes
And ignores the nazi blokes
One little duckfamily with a special passion
Being upset they've made into a mighty fashion
But when they do their own little things
The daddy wave his arm like he also had wings
Puts on a grumpy face
And by that he says "this is the wrong time and place,
Take this to another lobby"
A shame everyone doesn't share the same entertaining hobby...
Three little nights and the place lookes liked a town in the middle east
From the looks of it one hundred arabians had a giant feast
Then eight little hookers packed their bags and went home
And now we all sit by our computers, all alone